Femmes en détresse asbl

Femmes en détresse asbl

Femmes en Détresse asbl is based on the fundamental values of equality between women and men, respect for human rights and respect for differences. It also opposes all forms of violence, particularly domestic violence against women and girls.

Femmes en Détresse asbl works according to the principle of feminist intervention. The fundamental objective of feminist intervention is to make women aware of their social conditioning, sexual stereotypes and the limiting roles to which society confines them, both at family level and at any other level.

Feminist intervention is aimed at empowering women and provides a socio-political reading and critique of the problems experienced by women. This reading makes it possible to see that the difficulties experienced by women are caused by social factors and social conditions that oppress them. The manifestation of problems (distress, stress, exhaustion, etc.) is not interpreted by feminist intervention as an illness, but as the result of inequalities between men and women and the process of their socialisation.

Finally, feminist intervention does not aim to help women adapt to the conditions of their oppression, but supports them in their process of questioning the social conditions that oppress them and helps them to make choices in their own lives.



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Femmes en détresse asbl
56 rue Glesener
1631 Luxembourg
Contact person Administration Centrale
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