In 1990 COOPERATIONS Asbl, which has its roots in the project “Jardin de Wiltz” realized by a group of artists in the 1980s, was founded in Wiltz. The organizational platform for the Jardin de Wiltz provided by COOPERATIONS Asbl was designed to also accommodate the association’s social and cultural activities.

COOPERATIONS began to develop its range of social services first as a provider of job training and creative programmes for people with disabilities, gradually adding other services, including the provision of opportunities for gainful employment, recreational activities, and assisted and independent living. As the operator of one of nine decentralized regional cultural institutions in Luxembourg and, since 2017, of the Festival de Wiltz, and organizer of participative children and youth programmes, COOPERATIONS is positioned at the interface of arts and culture, education, social participation and rural development.

The day-to-day activities at COOPERATIONS are characterized by complexity and multifunctionality, which makes high demands on the team members’ competences, flexibility and communication skills. Yet this complexity and multifunctionality did not happen by chance; these aspects relate to each other and contribute to promoting social and cultural participation as well as inclusion. They are also reflected in the organizational structure of COOPERATIONS.


  • a socio-cultural non-profit organization, having the legal form of an association, engaged in a wide range of activities focusing on arts and culture and social participation,
  • a provider of cultural, social and educational services,
  • a public service institution.

The name COOPERATIONS stands for opportunities for people and places to realize their true potential. For the members of the COOPERATIONS Asbl team, excellence, passion and humour are essential values that fuel their motivation to contribute to a continuous dynamic development.



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8-10, Gruberbeerig
9538 Wiltz
Contact person Elvira Mittheis / Christiane Buny
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