Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise

Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise

Join the Luxembourg Red Cross!

By joining the Luxembourg Red Cross as an employee, you will become part of the largest humanitarian organisation in the world, with a history going back 160 years and a network of 192 national organisations throughout the world. You will be able to contribute directly or indirectly to help vulnerable people maintain or regain their dignity and autonomy. Through your exemplary, efficient and responsible attitude, you will use your skills and commitment to help people in distress and prevent precarious material, health and social situations.

In addition to the pride and satisfaction you will feel in carrying out this noble and responsible work, you will also be able to benefit from the many advantages of working in one of the more than 40 specialised services run by the Luxembourg Red Cross, mainly in the following areas:

  • Public Health
  • Child and Family Assistance
  • Non-Formal Education
  • Social Aid
  • International Humanitarian Aid
  • or in its many support professions.

We offer you:

  • a job that finds its full meaning in the service of the most vulnerable people
  • a structured integration process
  • continuous professional training adapted to your role and adaptable to your specific needs
  • an internal mobility policy that promotes professional development through the many fields of activity of the Luxembourg Red Cross
  • a multilingual and multicultural work environment
  • a culture of good treatment in all aspects of your work
  • an extensive occupational health and safety system based on a culture of well-being
  • a high degree of flexibility in terms of full or part-time work and working time arrangements, in accordance with the specific working arrangements of the given Service
  • numerous teambuilding and extra-professional activities

So come and share in our pride of putting your skills, your values and your energy at the service of those who need it most, and blossom in a highly developed and constantly evolving professional environment.



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Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise
44, boulevard Joseph II
L-1840 Luxembourg
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